SFV před Capcom Cupem opravil pár chyb u Menat a Ibuki, kdy v obou případech jde vlastně o nerfy. Zajímavé… A další opravy chyb, tentokrát pro Zeka (Zekua? Zekáče..?) se chystají.

Fixy uvolněné 2. listopadu

• Menat
Fixed the bug where Menat would gain V-Gauge upon hitting her standing MP as a counter hit.

• Ibuki
When Ibuki performed her Yamikazura throw (press LP+LK simultaneously), due to switching places the opponent would lose their charge. This has been fixed to allow the opponent to retain their charge.

Fixy plánované do příštího updatu

• Zeku
When Young Zeku is in the initial startup for each of his jumps, as he would lose his collision boxes, the opponent would pass through him. This issue is currently scheduled to be fixed in the next update.
The total frames for Young Zeku’s back recovery is 5F longer than the other characters. This issue is currently scheduled to be fixed in the next update.
The hurtbox for when Old/Young Zeku turns around while crouching will be fixed to be roughly the same as the other characters.