Pro Astarotha je dnešek smutným dnem a může jen doufat, že Namco tohle opatchuje pryč ze hry. Protože jeho 50/50 z přehozů jde vyřešit jediným inputem… [B]~4. SC6 totiž umožňuje takto utéct jak neutrální, tak zadní přehoz najednou.
SCVI has MTE even though it has only two throws LOL
@oneida__ @oBLACKSTARo @Dogysamich @jonnittiFGC you guys gotta see this, if you input front escape and back escape right after that at the correct time, you break both throws with one input.
— BLUE LINK ☭⃠ (青いリンク) (@BLUELINKBR) November 12, 2018
Ya I just plinked a4b and that works for both front and back on asta 236 and 214 grabs. It's pretty bad. It's even easier to do it like that then to mash…..
— HiL | SeAn_SpIcEr_360ti_v2.0 (@uCanChngUrName) November 12, 2018
I think I might know what the problem is, and I think it might be worse than we fear. This is one button press. pic.twitter.com/waSagoElMH
— Millard Crow 📖📚 Crow_Spaceboy ⚔️🥊 (@CrowCrowters) November 12, 2018