Fergus je jeden z předních evropských hráčů Tekkenu 7 a teď přišel se svou vlastní variací na po vydání 2. sezóny tolik populární tierlisty. Jen ten jeho je dost… neortodoxní. Ostatně, posuďte sami:
Poznámka: pořadí v rámci řádků není relevantní. Jen řádky samotné.
Since it seems to be the trend, here's mine.
There's no order within rows and there's a few chars I'm not sure of (Shaheen, Josie, Lei and Alisa)
Roast me pic.twitter.com/fgamX3KMXd
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
A samozřejmě se podělil i o nějaké ty detaily. Třeba proč je Jin podle něj top tier:
Super good space control, damage, great set of lows especially d4 being -12 only in S2, parry lets him escape some situations others cant, great 50/50s
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
Super strong space control at range and upclose, 50/50s, parry creates unique damage opportunities, good damage, CH 4 is very strong, d4 being -12 is crazy, great pokes overall and punishment
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 10, 2018
Nebo proč jimi jsou i Kazuya:
Kaz's vortex is even stronger and safer with db2/df12 changes. He still has all the dumb Kaz things too
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
Kaz has scarier mids to work with than DJin due to db2 knocking down now and df12, so his hellsweep vortex is scarier than DJins is while having stronger punishment
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
A stejně tak i Heihachiho:
Guaranteed ff2 followup off so many of his knockdowns and his new RD being a 10f CH launcher helps him a lot in S2.
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
Rozpovídal se i o tom, proč dal to top tieru Leo, kterou v s2 většina hráčů dává spíš do high-mid tieru:
S1 Leo's poking game wasn't too good as she was more of a dicerolly character but still very strong.
In S2, they buffed her poking game with df2+3 change so she can still do Leo things while being more of a solid character overall, higher wall dmg helps too and fc df3 in open
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
Zmínil i to, proč je Anna podle něj tak špatná:
Wait til you play someone who does SSR~block vs her, it's really really hard
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
She has to take risks to win because her playstyle is not solid enough to win on that alone, and even then the fc df2 combo is inconsistent so she has all this problems going to FC and still can drop anyway
Really horrible tracking + punishment to top it off too
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
Her tracking is really bad, do qcf1 or ff2 on block and make opponent SSR to block, you'll see only df4 tracks well really, the rest are commitment or slow.
The qcf dash is good but it's a lot of conditioning from Anna to make the opponent sit still, the tracking doesnt help
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
Zmínil i to, v čem Annu překonávají Lili a Katarina:
Lili and Kat have solid tools outside of those areas, Kat's tracking/punishment is actually really good and Lili's punishment is some of the best and her tracking issue is resolved with her new qcf3+4 homing.
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
Odůvodnil také pokles Paula v žebříčku:
He got slightly nerfed while other chars got juiced up, I was actually thinking of him being in top 10 so he'd be right outside
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018
Nebo proč je podle něj Noctis tak nízko, i když někteří jiní hráči ho v s2 vyzdvihují do nebe:
I just think he's meh, poor lows and CH tools
— Fergus2k8 (@Fergus_TK) October 9, 2018